Balance between the donkeys and humans in Lock Down

Balance between the donkeys and humans in 
Lock Down - UDAIPUR 
Artists and photographers are going to find themselves in a very unique space in lockdown in old city of udaipur. Art is always going to be there, and in times of pandemic, art will be the torchbearer for joy and hope. As artists, we need to consciously work on painting a picture that expresses the story of our collective struggle as humans in our own perspective way.

Humans at home is a new tradition but the donkeys on the streets is what brought out the beauty of these hushed and shushed streets of Udaipur.  The art of coexisting is finally learnt and the load finally being shared in the sections of society. The street bringing out its artistic earthy palate trying to maintain the balance between the donkeys and humans. 

Who knew what was going on behind the locked doors but on the outside the blue chaos with cloudy eyes was owning the streets. While the humans were lost in the battle of past and future this one here just lived the second. Living through reality and now rather than being hung and living in frames. Keep the joys of life alive. 

The glitter in the eye and the hope for new and good day is the new strengths.
PHOTO BY | vijay sawnani -
OUTFIT | maatinehakabra -
HMUA | Amby
MODEL | STYLIST Shivani Joshi
ASST PHOTO | Soumya shrimal
Balance between the donkeys and humans in Lock Down

Balance between the donkeys and humans in Lock Down

Balance between the donkeys and humans in Lock Down - UDAIPUR
